martes, 14 de enero de 2014

Nursing apps


The 3M™ Littmann® SoundBuilder App is a learning tool designed to help improve the auscultation skills of students and practicing clinicians. There are 14 unique lessons - based upon key heart sounds - that combine text, a virtual mannequin, 3D cardiac animation and dynamic waveforms. 



Resuscitation! is a virtual patient simulator that makes learning medicine fun! Resuscitation! gives you a case presentation of a patient who is ill, and you play the role of a doctor. You are in control and can take a history, perform a physical exam, form a differential diagnosis and administer therapy to treat the patient’s underlying problem. You can place the patient on a monitor, start IV’s including central lines, perform procedures like chest tubes, administer a vast number of clinically important medications, order radiology studies, EKGs, and even call consultants. 

Resuscitation! is a very technical medical simulator and is designed mainly for health students and professionals who are interested in emergency medicine and critical care. It is used by medical schools and residencies across the Unites States.

Resuscitation! may be too advanced for you if you have no medical or clinical experience. But the first few cases are free, so try it out! There are free cases, and if you enjoy the free cases, there are many cases that you can purchase.

Topics covered include emergency medicine, EMS/Paramedic, emergency neurology, gynecology clinic, labor and delivery ward and pediatrics for UK and Europe users! Your support is appreciated and will allow us to continue making fun and educational cases.


ivDripRate was released on April 14th 2010. Since then it has been downloaded over 7,000 times in over 20 different countries worldwide. It is a tool that is being used in hospitals, medical schools and health clinics across the world. So you're probably wondering what it is and what it does. Well allow us to enlighten you..

Gravity infusion, also known as 'the drip' is one of the most commonly used methods for delivering essential drugs, basic fluids and nutritional therapy to patients in the healthcare setting. Correct application and calculation of an infusion drip-rate is essential for patient safety and effective therapeutic treatment.

ivDripRate is an app that has been specially developed for calculating precise drip-rates for drug infusions given intravenously. It's designed to make it easier for nurses to accurately calculate, set and check infusion drip-rates. It allows nurses to actually visualise the results of what they need.

ECG Electrocardiograma

Learn how to distinguish the different types of ECG with this grate collection of pictures. It includes also images and explanations.

NANDA-NIC-NOC students

It contains all of the nursing diagnoses of 2012-2014.
It contains also the interventions (NIC 5th edition) and outcomes (NOC 4th edition)
Finally it contains the interrelations between diagnoses, outcomes and interventions (3th edition)
We can find everything using the code number or the label.
PRIZE: 4.99€

miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2012


Un trabajo de investigación de The American Nurses Credentialing Center para identificar como una enfermera se puede volver una EXCELENTE ENFERMERA.
Les dejo el Link para que lo visiten.

viernes, 13 de abril de 2012

¿Somos incapaces de seguir las normas?

Por Reinhart Klittich

Me gustaría permitirme una breve reflexión.

Soy estudiante de segundo año de enfermería en una universidad privada de Barcelona, por primera vez estoy haciendo practicas en una planta de medicina interna de un hospital privado de la misma ciudad y quería poner en practica aquel cúmulo de conocimientos e intervenciones que con tanto ahínco me han metido en la cabeza los profesores: " esta técnica es estéril...", " limpia la herida antes de ponerle un apósito..." , "empatiza con el paciente, él ya tiene suficiente con su problema...", " la confidencialidad es importantísima..", etc.

Todos estos conocimientos que se nos imparten en la universidad se supone que los tengo que poner en practica en el hospital, pero que pasa cuando llego al hospital y a medida que pasan las horas y los días me doy cuenta que hay enfermeras que hacen caso omiso de las normas que a mi me están enseñando.

Me imagino que ellas también fueron enseñadas como a mi me están enseñando y entonces, ¿Dónde esta ese fino hilo entre hacer las cosas bien o mal?

Le cuesta tanto al Ser humano hacer las cosas bien o las hace mal por que cree que así daña a la empresa para la que trabaja y que tan injusta es con su personal.

Es el ritmo vertiginoso el que nos pierde entre lo bien hecho y lo mal hecho.

O es que hemos perdido la motivación por lo que hacemos y ya no nos importan las consecuencias.

Cualesquiera que sean los motivos, soy consciente que mis intervenciones con los pacientes tienen repercusiones mas allá de mi persona y espero que si algún día me atacan algunos de los motivos antes mencionados sea capaz de darme cuenta y corregir el rumbo.

lunes, 9 de abril de 2012

The 13th World Congress on Public Health

The Ethiopian Public Health Association and the World Federation of Public Health Associations invite public health professionals from around the world to participate in the 13th World Congress on Public Health that will be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 23-27 April 2012.

Goals and Objectives

The 13th World Congress on Public Health will take place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from April 23-27, 2012. The Ethiopian Public Health Association (EPHA) will host the Congress. Approximately 3,000 public health researchers, academics, scientists, educators, programmers, policy makers and student representatives from around the world are expected to take part in the Congress.
The theme of the Congress is “Towards Global Health Equity: Opportunities and Threats.” Since the target year of 2015 is fast approaching, the achievement of the health Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) will be among the main topics to be debated and discussed. The achievement of the MDGs will require intensive efforts and increased equitable and sustainable access to health services for poor and marginalized populations.
Having Ethiopia and EPHA host this international Congress will create an opportunity for concerned organizations and individuals (EPHA members and other Ethiopian participants) to gain a greater understanding of international public health issues, approaches and strategies. It will further contribute to building the capacity of EPHA to host similar international events. More importantly, it will promote Ethiopia in general and EPHA in particular at the international level. Finally, it will facilitate closer collaboration and partnership between EPHA, international organizations, NGOs and the private sector at national and international levels and improve networking and partnership among Public Health Associations in Africa, the Americas and Asia.
Given the high relevance of the event, the Government of Ethiopia, international organizations, civil society organizations and the private sectors are working together to make this historic Congress come true. Health professionals working in different agencies in Ethiopia will have an opportunity to participate in the Congress as well as interact with their international counterparts on overcoming the challenges to achieving the MDGs.
The Ethiopian Public Health Association and the World Federation of Public Health Associations invites public health professionals from around the world to participate in the 13th World Congress on Public Health that will be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 23-27 April 2012. The Congress will:
  1. Serve as an international forum for the exchange of knowledge and experiences on key public health issues;
  2. Contribute towards protecting and promoting public health at global, continental, and national levels;
  3. Create a better understanding of Africa's major public health challenges within the global public health community; and
  4. Facilitate and support the formation of the African Federation of Public Health Associations (AFPHA)

lunes, 2 de abril de 2012